Attachment to Independent Case Review Report for CDRU # 967 Case File # 95-295395.

Material Examiner Malone (RQ)


After research it has been determined that the

dictation of Examiner Malone (RQ) is

missing/incomplete from the case file at the time

of review by the Independent Scientist.

CRM - 10955


Independent Review conducted by: Steve Robertson

Area(s) of Expertise: Hair and Fiber Review commenced at: 7:45AM (Time), 09/15/99 (Date) File #: 95-295395

Laboratory #(s): 01011032

Examiner(s) & Symbols Reviewed Not Reviewed Reviewed RQ Xx o PR oO

WP a x a NC G x o

Materials Reviewed

Not Reviewed X D


Trial testimony transcript(s) of: Michael Malone Testimony Date(s}: Unknown Pages: 23 Laboratory Repori(s): Laboratory Number: 01011032 Date: July 10, 1991

Laboratory Number: Date:

Laboratory Number: Date:

Examiner Bench Notes of: RQ and some unknown technicians

Laboratory Number: 01011032

pete Mee Ta CRM - 10956

Initials: SA.

Was any other maternal reviewed? X Yes 0 No

If yes, please identify and/or describe the material: | Submitting agency letter dated Oct 5, 1990

Results of Review

File #: 95-295395 Item or Specimen # Reviewed: QU, Q5-Q33, Q36, Q39, Q40, Q42-Q46, K1-K3

Review of Laboratory Report(s) and Bench Notes:

Note: Numbered comments are required below or on

additional pages for any "No" or "Unable to Determine" Responses

1) Did the examiner perform the appropriate tests in a scientifically acceptable manner, based on the methods, protocols, and analytic techniques available at the ee original examination({s)? QYes ONo nable to Determine 2) Are the examination results set forth in the laboratory ween) supported and adequately documented in the bench notes? 0 Yes o =O: Unabie to Determine

Review of Testimony:

Nate: Numbered comments are required below or on

additional pages for any "No" or "Unable to Determine" Responses

O Transcript not available.

3) Testimony consistent with the laboratory report(s)? wes ONo 0 Unable to Determine 4) Testimony consistent with the bench notes? es ONo . O Unable to Determine 5} Testimony within bounds of examiner's expertise? hes QONo OUnabdle to Determine

Page Zz of f Initials: Gut

Comments (Set forth by above question 4, if applicable. Use "Additional Comments" Sheet, if needed)

File #: 95-295395

#1, There is insufficient documentation to determine if the hair comparisons were performed in a scientifically

acceptable manner.

#2. The notes do not adequately document the work performed. All notes are in pencil, the date of the

examinations is not marked, there are some crasures and abbreviations are used that are difficult to

interpret. None of the hair examined are fully characterized as to their microscopic characteristics. The

examiner apparently compared the Q hair to the K hair without fully characterizing the individual

microscopic characteristics of any hair.

A Textile Fiber Comparison worksheet has the data from the examination of the rope fibers. This worksheet is

not dated or initialled.

Review completed at: 9:30AM = (Time), 9/15 / 99 (Date)

Total time spent conducting review (to nearest 1/4 3, hour): / Jf hoes

Thereby certify that 1 conducted this review in an independent, unbiased manner and that the results‘of my review are fully documented on this report consisting of a total of pages.


(Signature) (Date)

Page > of TA Initials: Siu.

Additional Comments (Set forth by question #, if applicabie}

File #: 95-295395

The examiner chose to perform solubility testing on the rope fibers. Infrared analysis, available in the FBI Lab

at this time, is more specific and is the preferred method of identifying polymer composition of synthetic fibers.

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